
Located on the edge of the Equator, Uganda is positioned in south-central Africa, and bordered by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan and Tanzania. Uganda averages about 1,100 metres (3,609 ft) above sea level, and while much of its border is lakeshore, Uganda is landlocked with no access to the sea. The country is mostly plateau with some rolling hills and low mountains. Grassland and tropical forest dominate the central region, with volcanic foothills in the east. The Ruwenzori Mountains form much of the southwestern border between Uganda and the DRC. The highest peaks there are snow capped. In eastern Uganda, the border with Kenya is marked by volcanic hills. Uganda is replete with water and contains many large lakes. In fact, almost one-fifth of its total area is open water or swampland. Four of East Africa's Great Lakes - Lake Victoria, Lake Kyoga, Lake Albert, and Lake Edward lie within Uganda or on its borders. Lake Victoria   is the second larg
Ishasha is one tourist spot that is well known for its tree  climbing lions in Uganda ., Once you are in these places, you will get a chance to see the young lions playing as they climb from one tree to another. Unfortunately it’s not so easy for you to spot these lions, there are seasons when you can’t even find one and because of this, tourists or visitors are concluding with fun ideologies that it’s just a gossip about these lions or perhaps the safari companies are using it as a marketing procedure. If you really want to get a good glance of these tree climbing lions including the young and the older, the only place in Uganda that can offer this view is Ishasha plains of Queen Elizabeth Park. The lions spend the entire day climbing trees and some resting under the cool environment. It has a beautiful sight that you may not discover in the whole of Africa Truth be told, these lions are so scarce in Africa and once you are in Uganda or perhaps heading to Bwindi Impenetrable fore
The spotted hyena’s famous “laugh” is actually a sound made to alert other group members to a source of food. This noise can be heard up to three miles away, and is one of many sounds made by this sociable species to communicate with each other. Hyenas are skilled hunters as well as scavengers, and their large, powerful jaws allow them to chomp through every part of their prey, including the skin and bones. The only parts which cannot be digested are hair, horns and hooves - the hyena will regurgitate these in pellets. Hyenas are found in many habitats, including woodland, Savannah and desert, though being nocturnal, they are rarely observed. Human-wildlife conflict has long been a problem. Hyenas are known to have eaten people, though it is more likely that they will kill livestock, which results in them being targeted by hunters. Try us for your best affordable travel experience across East Africa
Of all animals in the wild, Zebras must be the easiest to identify - with complete certainty. Even for someone who has never seen the picture of a zebra, it is likely they have seen the zebra crossing on the road. That is all the description anyone needs to know what a zebra is. Like a horse, but with stripes of black and white.Kidepo Valley National park and Lake Mburo National Park are the only two Game parks in Uganda that are populated by zebras. There are around 3000 zebras in Uganda.Their population has not grown so much because of natural factors of climate change – such as longer droughts. Watching zebras go about their day in the savannah is just a mesmerizing sight. Each zebra with its own pattern of stripes and yet they look majestically the same.Before you come face to face with these fascinating creatures,#visitour website . for heart beating and mesmerising moments #check our #tours and different services at the best offers #plan your #tour with us
Giraffe which was unknown of Africa, excited mans curiosity that it was sometimes sent as a diplomatic gift to other countries one of the earliest records tells of a giraffe going from ‘Melinda’ (presumably Malindi) in Kenya to China in 1415. it was thought to be a cross between a carried and a leopard, a mistake immortalized in the giraffe’s scientific name of giraffe Camelopardalis  Where to find the Giraffe Giraffes are found in arid and dry savanna zones south of the Sahara, wherever trees occur. Found in Kazungula, Maasai steppe and Sambiru. In Uganda you will easily find the Giraffe at the Uganda Wildlife Education Center and the   Murchison Falls protected area .  What the Giraffe Eats Giraffes are herbivores/ browsers. They flourish in areas where food is abundant year round. They drink water where it’s available and can survive where it is scare. Occasionally they eat grass and fruits of various trees and shrubs,though their principal food source is the acacia tree.  
. L’hoest monkey These are shy, terrestrial monkeys who are classified as vulnerable on the IUCN list. It’s common to find group members bonding with the young and grooming each other along forest trails in Bwindi Impenetrable National Forest Park.  #travel #explore  
Bush bucks are smallest members of the spiral horned antelope. In some areas like South Africa they hunted as a sports activity. Though small in size, they are extremely dangerous. They can be very aggressive especially when wounded or covered. For this season, ever sports hunters who are going after bush bucks are always issued with very strict instructions which have to be followed or else lose out on the turn in the sport hunting. Hunters are encouraged to give ample time to shoot bush back so as to allow the bullet do its work since wounded bush back’s usually escape to dense cover. Hunting the bush back is similar to hunting Americans white tailed deer.   They are found in South Africa and central Africa, east Africa.   You will easily find this antelope in   Mgahinga National Park in South-Western Uganda . Bush buck is extremely shy and prefers rive-rine forest and dense thickets always near a water source as he must drink daily. He feeds on branches fruit tears ,flowers and gra