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3 DAYS FLY TO KIDEPO VALLEY NATIONAL PARK. Fly to Kidepo for 3 days safari and unlock the unique attractions of “True African wilderness”. This short safari trip is a wilderness escape that gives you a chance to discover one of the most beautiful destinations in Africa after being ranked by CNN due to its large herds of Buffaloes and dramatic scenery and wildlife. HIGHLIGHTS. ·          Game drive ·          Community visits. DAY 1: Fly from Kampala to Kidepo Valley National Park. After your morning breakfast, you will be picked by a driver who will transfer you to the Air field so as to board and head to Kidepo Valley National Park. On arrival, you will be welcomed by our team member who will later transfer to the lodge check in and have lunch. Later in the afternoon, we will go for a game drive through the Narus valley and here expect to see all the unique attractions like the large herds of the large herds of buffaloes, Giraffes, Zebras, Elands and on some


3 DAYS CHIMPANZEE TRACKING SAFARI-KIBALE NATIONAL PARK.   Kibale forest national park is one of the most within reach safari of Uganda’s major tropical forest. This 3 days chimp safari gives you a chance to go to Kibale National Park through grass-covered country side, traditional homesteads & farms. Kibale forest National Park is a haven to (70) mammal species, most famously (13) primate species including the Chimpanzees, (375) bird species, (351) tree species. It is one of the most rewarding destinations to explore. HIGHLIGHTS. ·          Stop over at the Equator line. ·          Visit  to the Bigodi swamp ·          Chimpanzee trekking. DAY 1: Transfer to Kibale National Park. After your early morning breakfast, you will be picked by one of our representative/Guide to embark on your journey to Kibale Forest National Park via Mityana to Fort portal. Going through Fort Portal town, visit to the Bigodi swamp for bird watching. Head to the lodge, chec


To experience new cultures Meet incredible people. To be pushed out of the comfort zone. To relax and rejuvenate. To have some awesome hands-on experiences. To build a better relationship with yourself and the world. To make amazing memories for life. You will gain a different perspective of the world. To try out so many dishes and cuisines. To grow as a person. To challenge yourself and test your strength of character. To have some truly incredible stories to tell. To teach people about things you have learnt. To escape the routine of the everyday life. Get all the reasons to travel this festival season. Book with us now. The source of the River Nile.
  2 DAYS MURCHISON FALLS NATIONAL PARK SAFARI. Situated in the northern part of Albertine Rift valley, Murchison falls National park is place where the massive Bunyoro escarpment that combine into the vast plains of Acholi land. This 2 days trip gives you an opportunity to explore Uganda’s largest and oldest conservation area, hosting over 76 animal species and 451 bird species. HIGHLIGHTS. ·          Visit the Ziwa Rhino sanctuary. ·          Game drive & Game viewing ·          Boat cruise. DAY 1: Travel to Murchison Falls National park. After an early breakfast, you will be picked by one of our respective/guide from your residence/hotel who will brief you about the safari to Murchison Falls National Park. We shall have our lunch at kabalega Resort, thereafter proceed to the park and straight for the boat cruise along the River Nile and this will give you a chance to take photos of spectacular wildlife and birdlife at the river banks. Later continu

Ssemambo Alex Tours & Travel

Enjoy Africa's Beauty with Ssemambo Alex Tours & Travel for all your safari trips & experiences.

The must see-primates of Uganda.

Colobus monkeys live small groups of several  adult females and a single adult male.Group size tend to range from 10 to 15 adults.These are diurnal primates with a clear vision allowing them to see more shades of colors than other primates.This helps them spot ripe and unripe fruits but also young darker colored leaves.With this, they spend their entire day looking for food in high and low conditions. Colobus monkey s have a diet mainly of leaves,but buds and fruits included.35%-75% of their diet consists of young leaves which are easier to digest and less toxic. In Uganda, these primates inhabit in Kibale Forest national Park. BOOK NOW FOR YOUR PRIMATE SAFARI.


i. Uganda is one of the only 3 countries where you can see the endangered mountain Gorillas. ii.All the Big five (5) can be seen in Uganda. iii.Uganda is the mother to the source of Nile & white water rafting. iv.Hit 3 safari countries with one tourist visa.(East Africa tourist visa) v.Unique lodgings-Accommodation. vi.Shop in style-Food basket(local fresh food markets & Road side Boutiques) vii.Wild Quad Bike Rides. vii. Hospital-able Ugandan people. viii.Unique nature,sights&sounds. #travel #visituganda #uganda #landofbeautifulpeople #foodbasket #uniquesights&sounds. BOOK WITH US.


Did you know that sitatunga are picky eaters? Sitatunga are fond of being picky when it comes to food.They spend most of their time browsing for food, instead of just eating anything green, they search for their favorite foods.Most of these prefer sedge,bulrushes and other aquatic grass. It is also known that they like eating sweet potatoes and some herbs.They can be seen near water bodies in Queen Elizabeth National park or Murchison falls National park. Adventure starts now. Book now.


 Discover the unique culture of the remote tribe of the notorious, cattle-herding karamojong whose main livelihood is herding livestock which has the social and cultural importance. . Crop cultivation is a secondary activity, undertaken only in areas where it is practicable . Due to the aridity of the region, they have always practiced a sort of migratory herding where they move their livestock to the neighboring regions for water and pasture for their animals. The distinct feature of Karamojong society is their age system, which is strictly based on generation, with successive generations, there is an increasing overlap in age leading to logical breakdown of the system. Their traditional marriage is very distinctive whereby as a ritual requirement for engagement, a young Karamojong man is required to wrestle the woman he desires to marry. If he is successful in winning the wrestling match against the woman, he is now considered to be a man and is permitted to marry the woman. T


Spotted hyena s are known for their "laughs and usually make the noise during social conflicts. Many people compare hyenas to dogs, but are much more like cats and classified as cat-like carnivores. Hyenas are very social and live in groups called clans. Clans can have up to 80 members. The spotted hyena females are not only larger; they are also more aggressive and dominate in their clans. All females rank higher than males in the clan. However, in other families hyenas have male-dominated clans. The size of the meal often is determined by how large the hyena's clan is. Clans work together to take down prey, so the bigger the animal, the more members the clan needs to have for a successful kill. They often hide extra food in watering holes, since nothing is wasted. Hyenas will eat every part of an animal, including bones and hooves Matting only happens outside of the clan. Non-related males and females will mate after a courtship that can last several days. After a g


It is a very rare experience that you can visit one of the most remote, away from it all tribes in Uganda and Africa, the Ik People (Teuso).  it is a hike on foot for the cultural visit and it  is not for the fainthearted. It is an experiential visit to the Ik People and takes up all-day hike up the scenic Morungole Mountains  near to Kidepo Valley Park and a  perfect add-on to a dramatic Wildlife Safari.  A day with the Ik People high up on the Mountain, is simply an amazing adventure . Try a visit to one of the Ik Villages on Mount Morungole will disprove that. Book an amazing cultural experience worth the visit.


Lions are special animals (hunt together), they can go after bigger game for every one. Their  typical prey  animal species include:Zebras,wildebeest, gazelles,antelopes,water bucks and occasionally adult elephants,crocodiles and hippos are taken. Lions are also  expert scavengers , and obtain as much as 40 percent o their food by stealing it from other predators,or finding already dead animals.Although they are the largest, lions are by   no means the best hunters in the ecosystem. Lions survive because there is so much food available around them,and they tend to  hunt in groups. Travel beyond the Savannah. BOOK YOUR NEXT AFRICAN SAFARI WITH US. / PANTHERA LEO.


Monuments are one of the most important tourist attractions in a destination, mainly because they represent a significant historical event hence worth exploring during safaris and Uganda is a home to number of them. One of the  most historical monuments in Uganda is the 1520 AD Total Eclipse that occurred across the Southern Sahara. Along the Masaka- Mbarara high way before reaching Mbarara Town  where you easily spot the exceptional Biharwe Monument nestled on Biharwe hill. Its appearance resolves around the scramble for power in Uganda and Africa in general and it so happens that some powerful kingdoms in Uganda such as Bunyoro-kitara(Bachewzi) came to an end. It then became the key benchmark that was used by historian to determine the royal genealogies of those kingdoms. It also stands on 3 pillars representing the three realms and kings of the time(Bunyoro under Omukama Olimi Rwitamahang 1).Buganda Kingdom(ruled by Ssekabaka Nakibinge Kagali) and Ankole (under Omugabe Ntare

The clue's in the name!

Banded mongoose gets their cute name from the highly visible dark stripes or bands that run down the entire length of their back. They are very sociable and live in groups of 40 individuals. These helps them in many ways like, when attacked by predators and also, makes it easier to collect more food. It’s ideal home is an old, disused termite mound because it has many entrances and exits, and with this they never feel trapped in and have plenty of air holes. These quite nomadic little creatures, like to move around from place to place. They never spend more than three or four days in any one place. If they can’t find shelter they form into a tight group with all their heads facing outwards. Banded mongoose can be seen eating ticks off warthogs, which also indicates a mutual-benefit between the two. The warthogs get cleaned and the mongoose gets to eat. Once the pups are old enough to look for food themselves, they are individually cared for by an escort who teaches the pup ho

No beauty but still attractive.

The warthog is one of spotted attractions in most Ugandan National Parks.Given its facial appearance, the warthog  doesn't count among the world's most physically beautiful animals, yet it is a tourist attraction, nevertheless.with its tail standing , it proudly runs through the Savannah grasslands of the park. They are cousins to pigs and they are more cheerful than the conventional pig and present a much different appearance. Warthogs sleep & rest in holes, at times they line with grass, perhaps to make them warmer. Although they can excavate, warthogs normally do not dig holes, but use those dug by other animals.The outstanding features on these wild pigs are their 4 sharp tasks that sit on the head of sparse hair, on the sides and in-between  the eyes.The tusks also act as defense tools when they are attacked. They appear strong & sharp that they would easily penetrate human skins. Warthogs are humble & disciplined but by nature, they like kneeling, sitting

Uganda 's Baboon Boulvard.

B aboons are old world monkeys that belong to the genus Papio. They largely inhabit  areas of open woodlands & Savannah, with some found in tropical forests.All baboons have long, dog-like muzzles, heavy, powerful jaws with sharp canine teeth, close-set eyes, thick fur except on their muzzles,short tails, and rough spots on their protruding buttocks, called ischial callosities. These calluses are never less, hairless pads of skin that provide for the sitting comfort of the baboon. The baboon wilderness adventure awaits you.   Book now your next African safari with us .

The Birds Haven

Uganda, is known as Africa’s premier birding destination with the list of birds found in the country topping 1 000! Many of these birds live only in these tropical forests with rare sightings being described as “mythical” while it is believed that some of the birds living in the remote forests of Uganda may not even be classified as of yet! Embrace uganda's birds with ssemambo Alex Tours & Travel BOOK WITH US NOW

Briefs about an infant gorilla

Gorillas infants grow& develop much quicker than babies.They usually begin playing,smiling,& bouncing at 8 weeks.At about 9 weeks,they begin crawling. Exploration of their environment& object manipulation begins around 3 months of age.They are able to stand at 20 weeks& at 34 weeks.They are able to stand at 20 weeks& at 34 weeks,they are usually walking& travelling short distances from their mothers.Around 6 to 7 months of age,the infants are able to climb on their mother’s backs& ride. Enrich your gorilla safari experience with Ssemambo Alex Tours& Travel Book a gorilla safari with us