Monuments are one of the most important tourist attractions in a destination, mainly because they represent a significant historical event hence worth exploring during safaris and Uganda is a home to number of them. One of the  most historical monuments in Uganda is the 1520 AD Total Eclipse that occurred across the Southern Sahara. Along the Masaka- Mbarara high way before reaching Mbarara Town  where you easily spot the exceptional Biharwe Monument nestled on Biharwe hill.
Its appearance resolves around the scramble for power in Uganda and Africa in general and it so happens that some powerful kingdoms in Uganda such as Bunyoro-kitara(Bachewzi) came to an end.
It then became the key benchmark that was used by historian to determine the royal genealogies of those kingdoms.
It also stands on 3 pillars representing the three realms and kings of the time(Bunyoro under Omukama Olimi Rwitamahang 1).Buganda Kingdom(ruled by Ssekabaka Nakibinge Kagali) and Ankole (under Omugabe Ntare Nyabugarobwe V).On the top part sits a yellow Eclipse-like feature and the surface is covered by different pictorials,symbols,Egyptians writings as well as a number of features from different regions that include spears,drums and shields.
Uganda has two Eclipse Monuments that include the recently revealed Biharwe 1520 AD Eclipse Monument and the Hybrid Eclipse. All these Monuments can be visited during safaris in Uganda.
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