If you want to experience a true, #classicUgandafooddish, you should try luwombo. This dish is believed to have been created by the #personalchef of #KingKabakaMwanga of the #BugandaKingdom in the late #19thcentury and is a favorite among both #royalty and #commonfolk.This #traditional #Ugandanstew consists of #chicken, #beef or #fish that is steamed with #vegetables such as #carrots, #potatoes, and #mushrooms along with #peanut(g-nut)sauce in wrapped #plantains. #Luwombo is one of those nice, #heartydishes that hit the spot and makes you feel all warm and full inside. #tryit in one of our #famous #cityandculturaltours, or #safaris in our well #designed #itineraries #www.ssemambotours.com


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